Overview of the Federation

Articles of Association of GGBA-FECA

Articles of Guangzhou Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Federation for Enterprise Compliance and Anti-corruption
Chapter I General

Article 1: The name of this Federation is Guangzhou Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Federation for Enterprise Compliance and Anti-corruption (GGBA-FECA).
Article 2: This Federation is a professional and non-profit social organization with the status of legal person, composed of enterprises and related social groups that are engaged in production and operation activities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and committed to anti-corruption and compliance management.
Article 3: This Federation follows the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, abides by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practices the core socialist values, strives to promote new advances in building the market-oriented, law-based and international business environment in Guangzhou and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, guides members to implement the anti-corruption and compliance initiative, enhances the awareness of compliant business operations, upgrades the capability of compliance management and strives to set an example in anti-corruption, compliance and integrity.
Article 4: The registration administrative authority for this Federation is Guangzhou Municipal Social Organization Administration, and its business supervisory authority is Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce. This Federation accepts the supervision, management and guidance services from the registration administrative authority, business supervisory authority and relevant functional departments within the scope of their authority according to law.
Article 5: This Federation may set up branches and representative offices according to the needs of work.
The branches and representative offices of this Federation are integral parts of this Federation. They do not have the status of legal person, and cannot formulate separate articles of association. They shall expand members and carry out activities within the authorized scope, and the legal responsibility shall be borne by this Federation.
Article 6: The domicile of this Federation shall be the address stated in the legal person registration certificate.
The change of domicile shall be submitted to the Registration Administrative Authority for approval after performing the internal procedures as stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Chapter II Business Scope and Activity Principles

Article 7: Business Scope
(1) Publicize and implement policies and requirements for creating a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment, foster a cordial and clean relationship between government and business, and promote the formulating of policy specifications, work requirements and others relevant to enterprise anti-corruption and compliance management;
(2) Promote members to integrate the anti-corruption consciousness into the whole process of corporate management, cultivate a culture of anti-corruption, prevent and control the risks of corruption, and lead the industry and society to enhance the awareness of anti-corruption and compliance;
(3) Promote members to advocate the values of compliant business operations, establish and improve compliance management systems, formulate compliance management systems, cultivate compliance culture, and create a corporate atmosphere that attaches importance to compliant business operations;
(4) Cooperate with universities, scientific research institutions and professional organizations to carry out research, education, training, consultation, evaluation, selection, and certification, etc. in enterprise anti-corruption and compliance management, and help members better improve their anti-corruption and compliance management;
(5) Establish an anti-corruption and compliance information sharing mechanism, share information on employee corruption and violations among members, and raise the cost of violations;
(6) Conduct cross-regional and cross-industry exchanges on anti-corruption and compliance management, and build a platform for enterprises to learn from each other;
(7) Build a platform for communication between the government and enterprises, and carry out other work related to anti-corruption and compliance management stipulated by laws and regulations or entrusted or authorized by government departments.
Article 8: Activity Principles:
(1) Adhere to the principle of “Government Guidance and Federation Autonomy”, and ensure that all activities comply with the relevant national laws and regulations;
(2) Carry out non-profit activities in accordance with the Article of Association approved by the Registration Administrative Authority, and ensure that the funds are used for the business scope stipulated in this Article of Association, and are not allocated among members and responsible persons;
(3) Establish a mutual supervision mechanism between decision-making bodies, executive bodies and supervisory bodies, and implement democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision;
(4) Follow the principles of integrity, justice and equity when carrying out business activities, without committing fraud or harming the interests of the country, this Federation and its members;
(5) Follow the principles of scientific operation, without engaging in publicity and activities of feudal superstition;
(6) In case of any changes to the matters stated in the legal person registration certificate of this Federation, the Federation shall apply to the Registration Administrative Authority for change of registration in a timely manner in accordance with the regulations.

Chapter III Party Building

Article 9: Follow the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China, and set up organizations of the Communist Party of China to carry out party activities in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.
Article 10: When there are more than 3 formal party members with party organization relationship transferred to this Federation, it shall be reported to the higher-level party organization for approval to set up a party branch; otherwise, party work shall be carried out by jointly establishing a party organization and appointing liaison officers for party construction.
In case of change, merger and cancellation of this Federation, the party organization shall report to the higher-level party organization in a timely manner, and arrange the transfer of party organization relationship.
Article 11: This Federation shall provide necessary sites, personnel and financial support for party organizations to carry out activities and do their work, and party-building expenses are included in management expenses.

Chapter IV Membership

Article 12: This Federation is composed of member enterprises, and each member enterprise appoints one responsible person as its representative to participate in the specific work of this Federation.
Article 13: The enterprises that apply to join this Federation shall meet the following conditions:
(1) With the qualification of independent legal person;
(2) Normal operation within two years, no major violations of laws and regulations in taxation, work safety, environmental protection, market supervision, planning and construction, urban management and labor employment, etc.;
(3) Sound internal rules and regulations, and management according to laws and regulations;
(4) The main responsible person has no major violations of laws and regulations within two years, and has not been subject to criminal punishment;
(5) Accept the services, guidance and education of this Federation on anti-corruption and compliance management.
Article 14: Membership procedures:
(1) Submit the membership application, business license (social organization legal person registration certificate), and a copy of the ID card of the applicant and legal representative;
(2) The Board of Supervisors puts forward the review opinions for membership, and the Board of Directors discusses and approves the membership;
(3) Issue membership certificates at the General Assembly or Meeting of the Board of Directors;
(4) Pay the membership dues according to the regulations while handling the membership procedures;
(5) Make announcements in a timely manner.
Article 15: Establish a roster of all members, and confirm the list of members, Directors, Supervisors, President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Chief Supervisor. In case of any changes to the membership qualification, the roster shall be revised and announced in a timely manner.
Article 16: Members shall enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to vote, the right to be elected and voting power in this Federation;
(2) The right to attend the General Assembly and participate in the activities of this Federation;
(3) The priority of obtaining the consultation and service of this Federation;br /> (4) The right of voluntary membership and freedom of withdrawal;
(5) The right to consult the articles of association, membership roster, meeting minutes, meeting resolutions, financial auditing reports, etc. of this Federation;
(6) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise;
(7) The priority of obtaining for free or subscribing to publications and documents of this Federation.
Article 17: Members shall perform the following obligations:
(1) Comply with the Articles of Association and various rules and regulations of this Federation, and accept the supervision and guidance of this Federation;
(2) Implement the resolutions of this Federation;
(3) Pay membership dues according to regulations;
(4) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this Federation;
(5) Complete the tasks assigned by this Federation;
(6) Report the situation and provide relevant information to this Federation;
(7) Actively participate in the annual meeting and various business activities organized by this Federation.
Article 18: If a member withdraws from the membership, the member shall report to this Federation in writing and return the membership certificate; if a member fails to perform its obligations for more than two years, it shall be deemed as automatic withdrawal from the membership.
Article 19: If a member falls under any of the following circumstances, its membership shall be terminated accordingly:.
(1) Application for withdrawal or automatic withdrawal;
(2) Not eligible for membership of this Federation;
(3) Serious violation of the Articles of Association and relevant regulations of this Federation, causing significant reputational and economic losses to this Federation;
(4) License revoked by the Registration Administrative Authority;
(5) Blacklisted by “Integrity Guangzhou”;
(6) The main responsible person or representative of the member enterprise is subject to criminal punishment;
(7) Withdrawal for other reasons.
If the membership is terminated, this Federation will recall its membership certificate and the member shall not re-apply for membership within two years.
Article 20: If a member who is not a member of the Board of Directors (Supervisors) seriously violates the Articles of Association, its membership can be suspended or removed after the approval of the Board of Directors. After a member withdraws from membership, is suspended from membership, terminated from membership or removed from membership, its corresponding duties, rights and obligations in this Federation shall be terminated automatically.

Chapter V Organizational Structure

Article 21: This Federation implements democracy. The formation of the leading body and decisions on major issues shall be approved through democratic voting, and decisions shall be made according to the principle of the minority obeying the majority.
Article 22: The responsible persons of this Federation include the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Chief Supervisor and Secretary General, and the number of responsible persons is an odd number.
If the company representative of the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Chief Supervisor resigns during the term of office due to some reasons, and their companies appoint another candidate, it shall be notified in writing and announced at the meeting of Board of Directors.
If this Federation changes the legal representative, company representative of President and Chief Supervisor and Secretary General during the term of office, the candidates shall be submitted to the Board of Directors or the Board of Supervisors for voting after inspection by the Business Supervisory Authority and deliberation at the party group meeting.
Article 23: The responsible persons of this Federation shall abide by the provisions of laws, regulations and Articles of Association, faithfully perform their duties, safeguard the rights and interests of this Federation, and comply with the following code of conduct:
(1) Exercising rights within the scope of duties;
(2) Not using their powers to seek illegitimate benefits for themselves or others;
(3) Not engaging in activities that damage the interests of this Federation.
Article 24: The highest authority of this Federation is the General Assembly. The term of each General Assembly is four years. Each General Assembly shall be held at least once, and it shall be convened at any time by the Board of Directors under special circumstances.
Article 25: When the number of members in this Federation exceeds 300, representatives shall be elected to form a Member Representative Assembly, and the number of members in the Member Representative Assembly shall generally not be less than one-third of all members. The Member Representative Assembly has the same functions and powers as the General Assembly.
Article 26: Functions and powers of the General Assembly:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Formulate and revise membership fee standards;
(3) Formulate and revise election methods;
(4) Elect or dismiss the Directors and Supervisors;
(5) Review the work reports and financial reports of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors;
(6) Review the annual financial budget and final accounts of the Board of Directors;
(7) Make resolutions on matters such as the change of the name, business scope and legal representative of this Federation, the termination, dissolution and liquidation of this Federation;
(8) Change or revoke inappropriate decisions of the Board of Directors.
Article 27: The General Assembly can only be held if more than two-thirds of all members are present, and its resolutions can only take effect after the approval of more than one-half of all members by voting.
Article 28: When this Federation holds a General Assembly and meeting of the Board of Directors, the Secretariat shall notify the attending members of the time, place and agenda of the meeting 10 days before the meeting.
The following activities carried out by this Federation should be reported to the Business Supervisory Authority and Registration Administrative Authority for review 15 working days in advance:
(1) Hold important meetings and events such as General Assembly, seminars, lectures and trainings, forums, public welfare and charity activities;
(2) Write to the party and government offices, report important information, and make important suggestions or requests;
(3) Carry out activities involving Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries;
(4) Join other non-governmental organizations in the name of this Federation;
(5) Release major sensitive information to the outside world;
(6) Accept overseas donations or sponsorships;
(7) Emergencies, accidents and other matters affecting social stability occur;
(8) Other matters that should be reported to the Business Supervisory Authority and Registration Administrative Authority in accordance with laws and regulations.
Article 29: The General Assembly shall elect the Directors to form the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the executive body of this Federation, responsible for leading this Federation to carry out its daily work, and responsible for the General Assembly. The Board of Directors is composed of the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Directors. The number of its members generally does not exceed one-third of the total number of members, and it is an odd number. The term of each Board of Directors is the same as that of the General Assembly.
Article 30: Upon the expiration of the term of office of the Board of Directors, a General Assembly shall be held for general elections. If it is not possible to change the term of office on time due to special circumstances, it shall be reported to the Business Supervisory Authority for approval. After the approval of the Board of Directors of this Federation, an application for advanced or delayed change of the term of office shall be made to the Registration Administrative Authority for its approval. The maximum time for advanced or delayed change of the term of office is generally not more than one year. In special circumstances, a temporary General Assembly may be convened if it is deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or proposed by more than one-fifth of the members.
Preparations shall be made for the change of the term of office six months before the expiration of the term. The prepared meeting documents shall be submitted to the Business Supervisory Authority half a year in advance. The Business Supervisory Authority shall investigate or record candidates for the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Chief Supervisor and their company representatives and Secretary General.
The general election shall be held by convening a General Assembly, and the general election shall not be held by means of communication.
Article 31: The functions and powers of the Board of Directors:
(1) Hold a General Assembly;
(2) Formulate the method for the generation of member representatives and the allocation of quotas;
(3) Report the work and financial status to the General Assembly, and formulate the annual financial work plan, change, dissolution and liquidation plan of this Federation;
(4) Implement the resolutions passed by the General Assembly;
(5) Elect or dismiss the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and other responsible persons;
(6) Decide the admission or removal of members;
(7) Formulate internal management systems, prepare annual financial budgets and final accounts, and guide the work of various offices of this Federation;
(8) Decide on the change of domicile and vote on the establishment, change and termination of internal offices, branch offices and representative offices;
(9) Review the work report of the Secretary General, inspect and supervise the work of the Secretary General;
(10) Determine the rotating President;
(11) Appoint or dismiss the Secretary General, and decide on the appointment and dismissal of the main responsible persons of each office;
(12) Develop a “blacklist” system for members and a publicity system for dishonesty;
(13) Decide other important matters.
Article 32: The Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held twice a year in principle, and can be held at any time according to work needs. The newly-added Directors must be elected by the General Assembly. Under special circumstances, by-election may be held by the Board of Directors, but the by-election Directors must be confirmed by the next General Assembly.
Article 33: The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be convened and presided over by the President. To hold a meeting of the Board of Directors, the President or convener shall notify all the Directors and inform them of the meeting agenda 3 days in advance.
Under any of the following circumstances, the President shall convene a temporary meeting of the Board of Directors within 5 working days: (1) when the President deems it necessary; (2) when a joint proposal is made by more than one third of the Directors; (3) when Supervisors propose. When more than one-third of the Directors jointly propose to convene a temporary meeting of the Board of Directors, a letter of joint proposal signed (sealed) by all these Directors shall be submitted. When Supervisors propose to hold a temporary meeting of the Board of Directors, a proposal letter signed (sealed) by more than half of the Supervisors shall be submitted. Those who propose to convene a temporary meeting of the Board of Directors shall put forward reasons and agenda. When it is inconvenient to hold a meeting of the Board of Directors offline, it can be held online or in writing.
Article 34: The meeting minutes shall be kept for the meeting of the Board of Directors. The company representatives of the Directors attending the meeting shall verify the minutes of the board meeting and sign on the meeting minutes. The company representatives of the Directors attending the meeting shall be entitled to request explanatory notes of their speech at the meeting on the meeting minutes. The Board of Directors meetings can only be convened when more than two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors are present, and their resolutions can only be valid when more than one-half of all the members of the Board of Directors approve by voting.
Article 35: In principle, the legal representative of this Federation shall be the company representative of the President or Secretary General. Under special circumstances, the company representatives of Executive Vice Presidents or Vice Presidents may also serve as the legal representative. The legal representative shall be a resident of Mainland China. After the candidate of the legal representative is determined, the candidate shall be reported to the Business Supervisory Authority for review and approval, and reported to the Registration Administrative Authority for approval before taking the position.
Article 36: The company representatives of the President, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Chief Supervisor, as well as Secretary General of this Federation shall meet the following conditions:
(1) Uphold the Four Cardinal Principles, and support the guidelines, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China;
(2) Recognized in the industry as possessing rich professional knowledge, good organizational, leadership and coordination skills, and good social credit;
(3) Have great influence and high reputation in the business scope of this Federation;
(4) The maximum age of service is generally not more than 70 years old, who is healthy and able to work normally; the age of the Secretary General is generally not more than 65 years old;
(5) Not subject to criminal punishment;
(6) Have full capacity for civil conduct;
(7) Diligently perform duties and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this Federation and its members;
(8) No other circumstances under which laws, regulations and policies stipulate that they shall not hold office.
Article 37: The President of this Federation shall rotate among Executive Vice Presidents. The cycle of rotation is two years. The rotating President shall be reported to the Business Supervisory Authority for review after determined by the Board of Directors, and filed with the Registration Administrative Authority. If the rotating President cannot continue to serve due to other reasons during the term of office, the Board of Directors shall propose a new rotating President within 30 days and report it to the Business Supervisory Authority for review and Registration Administrative Authority for the record. The term of the new President generated according to the preceding clause shall be the unfinished term of previous President.
Article 38: The President of this Federation shall exercise the following powers:
(1) Convene and preside over the meetings of Board of Directors;
(2) Check the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors;
(3) Guide the work of the Board of Directors;
(4) Other functions and powers stipulated in the Articles of Association.
Article 39: This Federation shall set up a daily office, i.e. Secretariat to handle the daily affairs of this Federation. The meeting minutes shall be prepared for each agenda item of the Secretariat’s office meeting and copied to the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors. Internal offices under the Secretariat must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 40: The Secretary General of this Federation shall be recommended by member enterprises and appointed by the Board of Directors. The Secretary General shall be responsible to the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, and exercise the following powers:
(1) Take charge of the daily work of the Secretariat, formulate and implement the annual work plan;
(2) Attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and General Assembly without voting rights;
(3) Nominate the main responsible persons of internal offices and submit them to the Board of Directors for decision;
(4) Propose the employment or dismissal of full-time staff and submit it to the Board of Directors for decision;
(5) Draw up the annual work report and submit it to the Board of Directors for deliberation;
(6) Formulate internal management rules and regulations and report them to the Board of Directors for approval;
(7) Formulate the annual financial budget and final accounts report and submit it to the Board of Directors for deliberation;
(8) Coordinate the work of various branch and representative offices;
(9) Handle other daily affairs.
Article 41: This Federation shall set up the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall be composed of 1 Chief Supervisor and 2 Supervisors. Supervisors shall not concurrently hold other positions of this Federation. The term of office of each Board of Supervisors is the same as the term of office of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Supervisors shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. Supervisors shall be elected by the General Assembly; the Chief Supervisor shall be elected by the Board of Supervisors.
Article 42: The Board of Supervisors shall exercise the following powers:
(1) Attend meetings of the Board of Directors without voting rights, and make inquiries or suggestions on resolutions of the Board of Directors and General Assembly;
(2) Supervise the Directors’ behavior of performing the duties of this Federation, and propose the procedural dismissal of responsible persons and Directors that violate laws and regulations, the Articles of Association of this Federation or the resolutions of the General Assembly;
(3) Check the financial report of this Federation, report the work of Supervisors and make suggestions to the General Assembly. Check the financial information such as financial revenue and expenditure, fixed assets and accounting vouchers of this Federation, check the work of financial staff and cashiers, and propose replacements for those who are incompetent;
(4) Timely correct the behaviors of responsible persons, Directors and financial staff that damage the interests of this Federation;
(5) Supervise the work of Secretariat and propose dismissal of incompetent personnel;
(6) Review applications for membership according to the membership procedures, and provide review comments in writing;
(7) Participate in the formulation of various internal rules and regulations and approval procedures of this Federation, and keep standardized operation;
(8) Report problems in the work of this Federation to the Registration Administrative Authority, taxation, accounting and other relevant authorities;
(9) Decide on other matters that should be deliberated by the Board of Supervisors.
Article 43: The Meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall be held twice a year. The Board of Supervisors meetings can only be convened when more than two-thirds of Supervisors are present, and their resolutions can only be valid when more than one-half of all Supervisors approve by voting.
The resolutions of the Board of Supervisors shall be recorded, and the company representatives of Supervisors attending the meeting and the recorder shall sign the minutes of the meeting. The company representatives of the Supervisors attending the meeting may request to make some explanatory notes of their speech at the meeting on the meeting minutes. The decisions, resolutions and meeting minutes of the Board of Supervisors shall be properly kept and made public to all members. When it is inconvenient to hold a meeting of the Board of Supervisors offline, it can be held online or in writing.
Article 44: The General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Supervisors of this Federation shall conduct voting in a democratic manner. The election of Directors, Supervisors and responsible persons shall be conducted by secret ballot.
Minutes of the above meetings shall be prepared, and if resolutions are formed, the minutes of the meeting or the resolution of the meeting shall be prepared. The meeting resolutions of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors shall be reviewed and signed on the spot by the company representatives of Directors and Supervisors attending the meeting. Members shall be entitled to consult the Articles of Association, rules and regulations, various meeting resolutions, meeting minutes, financial accounting reports and other documents of this Federation.
Article 45: The establishment, change and termination of branch (representative) offices of this Federation shall follow democratic procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association. It shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for deliberation and approval to form a resolution, and shall be announced to all members. The name of each branch (representative) office shall be preceded by the name of this Federation, and the branch office can be named the branch federation, professional committee and working committee, etc. Representative offices can be named representative offices, offices and liaison offices, etc.
This Federation does not set up regional branches, and each branch (representative) office is not preceded by the name of administrative regions, and does not have regional characteristics. Branch (representative) offices no longer have sub-branch or representative offices. Each branch (representative) office shall be set up according to the purpose, tasks and business scope stipulated by the Articles of Association of this Federation, with a specific name, responsible persons, business scope, administrative measures and organizational structure, etc., which shall be reported to the Board of Directors for voting and forming a resolution.
Article 46: This Federation shall sign labor contracts with full-time staff in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The full-time staff of this Federation shall participate in relevant job training, get familiar with and understand the laws, regulations and policies for social organizations, and strive to improve their business capabilities.

Chapter VI Property Management and Use

Article 47: The income of this Federation comes from:
(1) Membership dues;
(2) Income from activities or services carried out within an approved scope of business;
(3) Interests;
(4) Donations from natural persons, legal persons or other organizations;
(5) Government purchases of services or related subsidies;
(6) Other legitimate income.
Article 48: According to the business scope stipulated in the Articles of Association, operating costs and membership conditions, this Federation shall set reasonable standards for membership dues under the principles of reasonable distribution of burden and equality of rights and duties. The membership dues shall be fixed, which is not floating, and the standards for membership dues shall be made public to all members.
Article 49: The standards for membership dues of this Federation are as follows:
(1) Company of President: RMB 200,000/Year
(2) Company of Chief Supervisor: RMB 150,000/Year
(3) Company of Executive Vice President: RMB 150,000/Year
(4) Company of Vice President: RMB 100,000/Year
(5) Company of Directors and Supervisors: RMB 20,000/Year
(6) Company of common members: RMB 2,000/Year
The methods for the management and use of membership dues shall be formulated and improved by the Secretariat, and discussed and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 50: This Federation shall entrust an accounting firm to conduct financial audit when changing the Legal Representative, changing the term of office and cancelling registration, as well as before the end of each year. The company representative of the President and Secretary General shall accept financial audit before leaving office.
Article 51: The revenue of this Federation and its use shall be regularly announced to the General Assembly for supervision and inspection.
If the fund is from fiscal appropriation or social donation, it shall be subject to the supervision of fiscal and auditing organs, and the relevant information shall be announced to the public in an appropriate manner.
Article 52: Except for reasonable expenses used for normal business activities, all the revenue obtained by this Federation shall be used for public welfare or non-profit undertakings approved by the registration authority or stipulated in the Articles of Association, and shall not be used for distribution.
Article 53: The property of this Federation and its fruits shall not be used for distribution, except for reasonable expenses for salaries and benefits.
The expenses for salaries and benefits of the full-time staff of this Federation shall be controlled under the specified reasonable proportion, and the assets of this Federation shall not be distributed in disguise.
The benefits of the staff shall be distributed in accordance with the national regulations, and the specific work shall be carried out by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corresponding national policies and regulations. The benefits shall be paid from the revenue of this Federation.
Article 54: The assets of this Federation shall not be misappropriated, privately divided or embezzled by any organization or individual.
Article 55: This Federation shall implement the Accounting System for Non-governmental Non-profit Organizations and conduct accounting in accordance with the law.
The internal accounting supervision system shall be established and improved to ensure the legality, authenticity, accuracy and integrity of accounting information.
This Federation shall use the bills stipulated by the state, and accept the tax supervision and accounting supervision implemented by the taxation and accounting authorities in accordance with the law.
Article 56: This Federation shall implement unified financial accounting, and all expenses incurred shall be registered and accounted for in the accounting books prepared in accordance with the law; except for the statutory accounting books, no separate accounting books shall be set up.
The assets of this Federation shall not be deposited into any individual’s account. The bank account number and account of this Federation shall not be rented, lent or transferred to other organizations or individuals for use. Without the approval of the Board of Directors, it is not allowed to lend money in the name of this Federation, lend public funds to other organizations, or provide financial guarantee to other organizations and individuals in the name of this Federation.
Article 57: The accounting work of this Federation shall be undertaken by professionally qualified accountants. Accountants shall not concurrently serve as cashiers, and separate management of accounts, money and things shall be implemented. Accountants shall conduct accounting in accordance with relevant regulations, and accounting supervision shall be implemented. When financial staff transfer jobs or leave their jobs, they must go through the handover procedures in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 58: The business and accounting year of this Federation is from January 1st to December 31st of each year. The Board of Directors shall review the following matters before March 31st of each year:
(1) Business report and final accounts of expenditures for the previous year;
(2) Business plan and budget for expenditures in the current year;
(3) Property inventory
Article 59: This Federation shall ensure the legality, authenticity, accuracy and integrity of accounting information. Archives shall be established for accounting vouchers, accounting books, financial accounting reports and other accounting documents, and shall be properly kept.
Article 60: This Federation shall establish a reporting system for financial revenue and expenditure, which is regularly reported to the President, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and General Assembly, and accept the supervision and inspection of the Registration Administrative Authority and relevant authorities.
This Federation shall agree to the request of the Registration Administrative Authority and relevant authorities for submitting reports on business activities or financial conditions to perform their duties of supervision and administration.
Article 61: This Federation shall submit the annual report of the previous year according to the requirements of the Registration Administrative Authority, and accept the inspection organized by the Registration Administrative Authority, and fulfill its reporting obligations according to the relevant requirements and guidelines of the Registration Administrative Authority for reporting on important matters.

Chapter VII Procedures for Making Amendment to the Articles of Association

Article 62: Amendments to the Articles of Association of this Federation shall be approved by the Board of Directors and then submitted to the General Assembly for voting. Amendments to the Articles of Association voted by the General Assembly shall take effect after agreed by more than half of all members and submitted to the Registration Administrative Authority for approval.
Article 63: The amended Articles of Association of this Federation shall be approved by the Board of Directors and then submitted to the General Assembly for voting by secret ballot. Before convening the General Assembly, the draft amendments to the Articles of Association, explanation of the amendments to the Articles of Association (compare the old version with the new version of the Articles of association to explain all the amendments, and affix the official seal), and the old version of the Articles of Association with the certification seal of Registration Administrative Authority shall be submitted to the Business Supervisory Authority and Registration Administrative Authority for review. After deliberation and approval by the General Assembly, the amendments to the Articles of Association shall be submitted to the Business Supervisory Authority for the record, and then submitted to Registration Administrative Authority for approval.

Chapter VIII Termination and Residual Property Disposal

Article 64: Under one of the following circumstances, this Federation shall be terminated:
(1) Fulfill the purpose stipulated in the Articles of Association;
(2) Failure to continue work in accordance with the purpose stipulated in the Articles of Association;
(3) Division or merger of this Federation;
(4) Self-dissolution
Article 65: The termination of this Federation shall be proposed by the Board of Directors, voted and approved by the General Assembly, and reported to the Business Supervisory Authority and Registration Administrative Authority for review and approval.
Article 66: Before the termination of this Federation, a liquidation group shall be formed by the personnel determined by the Board of Directors under the guidance of the Business Supervisory Authority and relevant authorities. The liquidation group shall be responsible for the liquidation and the aftermath. During the liquidation period, activities other than liquidation shall not be carried out in violation of regulations.
Article 67: After the completion of the liquidation, this Federation shall apply to the Registration Administrative Authority for cancellation of registration, and this Federation shall be terminated after completing cancellation of registration.
Article 68: The residual property after the termination of this Federation shall be used for public welfare or non-profit purposes or donated to organizations with the same nature and purpose as this Federation under joint supervision of the Business Supervisory Authority and the Registration Administrative Authority in accordance with relevant national regulations, and shall be publicly announced.

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

Article 69: These Articles of Association has been voted and approved by the first meeting of the first General Assembly on April 16, 2021.
Article 70: These Articles of Association shall be interpreted by the Board of Directors of this Federation.
Article 71: These Articles of Association has been reviewed and approved by the Business Supervisory Authority, and will take effect from the date of filing with the Registration Administrative Authority.