Online Application

Membership requirements

(1) With the qualification of independent legal person;
(2) Normal operation within two years, no major violations of laws and regulations in taxation, work safety, environmental protection, market supervision, planning and construction, urban management and labor employment, etc.;
(3) Sound internal rules and regulations, and management according to laws and regulations;
(4) The main responsible person has no major violations of laws and regulations within two years, and has not been subject to criminal punishment;
(5) Accept the services, guidance and education of the Federation on anti-corruption and compliance management

Membership procedures

(1) Submit the membership application, business license (social organization legal person registration certificate), and a copy of the ID card of the applicant and legal representative;
(2) The Board of Supervisors puts forward the review opinions for membership, and the Board of Directors discusses and approves the membership;
(3) Issue membership certificates at the General Assembly or Meeting of the Board of Directors;
(4) Pay the membership dues according to the regulations while handling the membership procedures
(5) Make announcements in a timely manner

Membership Application Form of Guangzhou Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Federation for E

Contact Information
Remarks: Please send the company LOGO and scanned copy of stamped membership application form to the mailbox.